As a little custom promotion, we have a very limited number of bottles of premium “La Moneuse” Belgian beer on hand to give out to VIPs and premium clients.

Each year, I create 6 new beer labels, 3 with my art and 3 with Nico’s art, to grace the bottles.

Since it’s now become a tradition with us, we are offering posters of each year’s selection of labels. These are printed in full colour A3 format on lovely white gloss stock.

We are printing limited quantities, so please contact us if you are interested in ordering them. They retail for $15 USD/£10 GBP/€10 EUR plus shipping/fees
Paul Chenard – paul.chenard@hotmail.com
Nicolas Cancelier – n.cancelier@scarlet.be
You can also come find us at at the Goodwood Revival Market stand #76.
You can also come find us at at the Goodwood Revival Market stand #76.