MGAFor the past 2 years, there has been a car show held in the beautiful setting of Victoria Park along South Park Street here in Halifax.
Austin Healey 3000For it's third year, the organizers were kind enough to invite me as the guest artist for the show.
Lead SledIt was a new experience for me, and I very much looked forward to it, though I had no idea how it would go.
1933 DodgeI would set up and start illustrating, but time after time, as I was getting into the sketching, bystanders would stop and look, which is fine, but then they would start to converse with me.
1953 Sunbeam AlpineIt became such that I would have to get up and move to another subject before I could completely finished a sketch. I was very surprised at the interest people seemed to have of my art. It was a really fun experience that I look forward to doing next year.
TriKingI managed to get six sketch done in all, which you can see here.