Pencil on board © Paul Chenard 2007
Phil Lamont Collection
Phil Lamont from Hubbards, Nova Scotia is a great racer and great gentleman. In the last few years, he is more often than not Formula Junior North American Champion, sucessfully racing his 1960 Lotus 18 Formula Junior.
Phil also runs Vintage Tyres Limited (Vintyre@aol.com), the North American supplier for Dunlop vintage racing tyres.
Hi Paul,
You never cease to amaze me; the work continues to get better. The Talbot T26C is impressive; not only the engine detail, but the tread pattern and the streamlined front suspension.
My scans have started but now I have been diverted to scanning prints of the early '70's at Drag City.
But, I'll email you some recent images of vintage, non straight line, race cars.
Very impressive Mosport 'booth' too!; nothin' shabby 'bout us East Coasters.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the feedback and encouragement.
I look forward to seeing you and the GTO at the next car show.
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